Legislation & Policy

APANJ is always monitoring legislative proposals that may impact New Jersey’s assistant prosecutors.  The APANJ executive board and trustees meet regularly and discuss pending legislation as well as policy proposals that may affect its membership.  Once examined, the officers will decide whether to take a position on the proposal or to further investigate the legislation.  At times, the association has found it necessary to engage professional policy advisors or legal advisors in order to more accurately gauge the impact such a policy or response will have on its members.  Historically, the association has taken formal positions on policies and legislation through letter-writing, opinion op-eds, in-person meetings with lawmakers, public speaking, and as panelists at bar association events.

The APANJ prides itself in working collaboratively with the County Prosecutors’ Association of New Jersey (CPANJ), state and local police associations and unions, lawmakers, other public officials, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), local bar associations, and members of the press.

For information on legislative initiatives and policies that the APANJ has worked on, please go to our webpage on Legislation Action.