Welcome to the APANJ @



What’s the APANJ been up to?

Come visit us at our table outside the CLEs on Monday to learn more about our programs and to grab some free swag.

Happy 50th Anniversary - 1973 to 2023!

This year we celebrate 50 years of advocacy on behalf of all of you who dedicate long days, nights, weekends, and holidays to pursue justice, advocate for crime victims, and keep our neighborhoods safe.


Project NOVA Returns December 4, 2023

Register today for Project NOVA, the APANJ’s free program to assist our members considering retirement. This week-long class has tons of giveaways, all the CLE credits you need, and networking opportunities with retired/retiring APs. Check out more information by clicking here.


How the APANJ’s Goal Became a Reality

In 2020/2021 the APANJ undertook its biggest mission yet… the full restoration of the PERS Prosecutor’s Part pension. The APANJ knew that this would have the single biggest effect in recruitment and retention of career prosecutors, and drive those most-qualified and from diverse backgrounds into a career that promotes safety, security, fairness, and justice.